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Find Azure Image SKUs

Locating Azure VM Image SKUs using AZ CLI Requirements You must have an Azure Account and AZ CLI installed on your machine. I may do a write-up on using PowerShell...

Deploy Bitwarden on Kubernetes

How to deploy Bitwarden in a Kubernetes cluster

Using Certmanager with Cloudflare and Kubernetes

How to configure certmanager for DNS challenges with Cloudflare and Kubernetes What is Certmanager Certmanager is a native Kubernetes cluster certificate manager. This article aims to outline the process of...

pfSense Boot Loop

I just spun up a new pfSense install with the SG-4860 High availability bundle. Shortly after configuring the devices and rebooting the primary, I ended up with a pfSense boot...

Configure Ubuquiti Edge Router VPN with SonicWall

How to Setup a VPN between Ubiquiti Edge Router and SonicWall Devices